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MA1 speelt op maandag 25 september tegen Kingsridge High School foor Girls (ZA)
17-9-2017  | 
In November 1873 Mr I Rose-Innes, as Civil Commissioner, wrote to the Cape Government asking their approval for the establishment of a "Seminary for Female Education of the highest order”. They hoped that the "First Class Undenominational Girls’ School”, so established, would "secure public support and bestow advantages which it is impossible to estimate.” As a result the KHS for Girls was started in 1875 and has, since then, been part of the educational, social and cultural life in the capital of Kaffraria (King Williams Town)

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Team en schema informatie
27-4  Meivakantie
9-5  Familietoernooi
17-5  Six-nations toernooi
17-5  Six Nations Tournement
25-5  Besloten Feest
Hele agenda
J010-1 R.H.V. Leonidas JO10-2 7-4
J014-1 M.H.C. Krimpen JO14-1 3-5
J09-1 Mixed Hockeyclub Zoetermeer JO9-GROEN 5-5
M010-1 Dordrechtse Mixed Hockey Club MO10-2 4-5
M014-1 HC Voorne MO14-3 8-0
M014-2 LOHC MO14-6 1-1
M018-1 OMHC MO18-3 1-1
M018-2 HC De Hoeksche Waard MO18-2 1-1
M08-1 OMHC MO8-1 2-3
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